Order Now/Buy This Now


This is for a two-click order concept that I did some initial discovery work on. Later, I would re-visit this to deploy on dot com, as well as the app and we re-named this to “Buy This Now” after we did more testing. The initial idea was to add this functionality to our apps. Solving for making a two-tap/two-click had an easy happy path. Our initial discovery work helped us focus the scope of our work to meet our deadline. For this scenario, users had to already have an account with us - we didn’t want them creating an account during checkout.

The second problem (that would haunt me again during the redesign of checkout) is our branded credit cards have a terms and conditions that must be agreed to before continuing. When taking into account all the edge cases, we had at least 7 flows for a simplified check out experience. We would later expand on this for multiple types of fulfillment, payment and edge case scenarios.